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Here are the latest images, logos, facts & figures, along with current press releases and basic media texts for the Swiss Open-Air Museum. Do you have specific questions, or are you preparing a report or background article? We will be happy to provide the answers and help with your research.

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Das Wohnhaus aus Brienz BE (1031) im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg.

News from the open-air museumLatest press releases

We regularly publish our latest press releases in our blog. As well as media information, this also includes fascinating background reports from the open-air museum and Ballenberg Course Centre, along with news of our collections, exhibitions, architecture and services.

Press releases
Das Wohnhaus aus Sachseln OW im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg.

General informationBasic media texts, image material and logo

Our basic media texts contain the main information about the Swiss Open-Air Museum, while our facts & figures overview provides the latest data for the Ballenberg Foundation. More information about the foundation and museum is available in the relevant sections of our website. Do you have a specific request, require further image material or want to contact the foundation, open-air museum or course centre managers directly? Then please get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact us by e-mail
Die eindrückliche Kapelle aus Turtig/Raron VS kann auf dem Ballenberg entdeckt werden.

Picture material for download

  • Der Kornspeicher aus Ostermundigen BE (332) im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg vor blühendem Garten.

    Image 4: The granary from Ostermundigen BE (332) at the Open-Air Museum Ballenberg in front of a flowering garden.

  • Im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg sind über 200 Bauernhoftiere zu Gast - auch verschiedene Rassen von Ziegen und Schafen.

    Image 5: Over 200 farm animals populate the 66-hectare grounds of the Open-Air Museum Ballenberg during the museum season.

  • Erleben Sie wie frischer Käse im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg hergestellt wird.

    Image 6: Making cheese is regularly on display at the Ballenberg Open-Air Museum.

  • Im Freilichtmuseum wird regelmässig das Handwerk Sticken gezeigt.

    Image 7: Embroidery is regularly on display at the Ballenberg Open-Air Museum.

  • Im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg wird das Handwerk Hutmachen demonstriert.

    Image 8: Hat making is regularly on display at the Ballenberg Open-Air Museum.

  • Das Bauernhaus aus Eggiwil BE (351) im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg.

    Image 9: Farmhouse from Eggiwil (351) at the Ballenberg Open-Air Museum.

We would be grateful, if you mentioned the open-air museum Ballenberg if you use our images. © Ballenberg, Swiss Open-Air Museum

Swiss Open-Air Museum

Museumsstrasse 100
CH-3858 Hofstetten bei Brienz

+41 33 952 10 30

Opening hours

10 April to 2 November 2025
10 am to 5 pm daily

Annual holiday from 20 December 2024 to 5 January 2025

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