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Become an animal sponsor

You can sponsor a Ballenberg farm animal for as little as CHF 10 per month. Your personal contribution to keeping the open-air museum alive for adults and children alike.

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Im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg sind über 200 Bauernhoftiere zu Gast - auch verschiedene Rassen von Ziegen und Schafen.

A living Open-Air Museum

The farm animals at Ballenberg aren’t stuffed trophies or lifeless skeletons – quite the opposite! They crow, bleat, jump around or even leave behind the odd cowpat, complete with authentic aroma. They all bring life into the museum, are a testament to the diversity of rural culture and help people understand why it’s so important to have a wide range of species and breeds.

Farm animals have long been part of day-to-day life in rural Switzerland, be it as livestock or as working animals.

Ballenberg is also home to at-risk breeds that are particularly worthy of protection, from the Capra Grigia (grey mountain goat) to Évolène cattle, to name just two.

Im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg gibt es über 200 Bauernhoftiere. Darunter auch verschiedene Rassen von Hühner.

Your animal sponsorship

The museum is home to more than 200 farm animals during the season, which runs from mid-April to the end of October. The animals need food and care so they can welcome visitors to the museum happily and healthily day in, day out, and give them a living insight into the species that play a role in farm life.

As a thank-you from us, you will receive:

  • A sponsorship card/season ticket
  • A personalised certificate
  • A mention as a sponsor on info screens at the museum and on the website
  • An invitation to the annual sponsors’ event
  • Ballenberg patrons’ magazine
  • A Ballenberg calendar
Die süssen Ferkel begeistern Gross und Klein im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg.

Sponsor an animal

Sponsor a Ballenberg farm animal for as little as CHF 10 a month: your personal contribution to keeping the open-air museum alive for adults and children alike.

Sponsorships go towards the upkeep of the museum’s farm animals and cover roughly the annual maintenance costs of the animals listed. Sponsorship is not tied to one individual animal.

Choose which Ballenberg farm animal you’d like to support. Once your sponsorship registration has been received, we’ll send you all your other documents by post.

Our animal sponsorships (1 year)

10 francs per month | CHF 120.00 per year

20 francs per month | CHF 240.00 per year

25 francs per month | CHF 300.00 per year

35 Franken per month | CHF 420.00 per year

75 Franken per month | CHF 900.00 per year

100 Franken per month | CHF 1200.00 per year

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Animal sponsors

Swiss Open-Air Museum

Museumsstrasse 100
CH-3858 Hofstetten bei Brienz

+41 33 952 10 30

Opening hours

11 April to 27 October 2024
10 am to 5 pm daily

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