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Become a handicraft sponsor

Sponsor a traditional handicraft at Ballenberg for as little as CHF 10 a month: your personal contribution to the future of crafts, keeping the open-air museum alive for adults and children alike.

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Im Freilichtmuseum wird das Handwerk Knochenstampfen regelmässig gezeigt.

Traditional crafts at the Swiss Open-Air Museum and Course Centre

Ballenberg’s visitor programme includes interactive demonstrations featuring more than 30 traditional crafts. Children and adults can also try out individual tasks for themselves.

This gives them an insight into, and an understanding of, traditional crafts as well as their economic and social significance in rural industrial Switzerland. And everyone loves it when children develop a fascination for a particular craft and this is later reflected in their career choice.

Up to 80 internal and external craftspeople also make valuable products for the museum shops, the upkeep and repair of the historic buildings, and the exhibitions.

Crafts are therefore an integral part of Ballenberg’s attractive events programme. The Swiss Open-Air Museum and Course Centre make a valuable contribution to preserving traditional and endangered crafts for future generations and safeguarding a cherished piece of Switzerland’s identity.

Im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg wird das Handwerk Hutmachen demonstriert.

Your craft sponsorship

As a thank-you from us, you will receive:

  • a season pass pass to the Open-Air Museum
  • 10% off all handicraft courses
  • a mention as a sponsor on info screens at the museum and on the website
  • an invitation to the annual sponsors’ event
  • Ballenberg patrons’ magazine
  • a Ballenberg calendar
Seidenproduktion im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg: Ein unscheinbares Tierchen produziert einen der kostbarsten Stoffe der Welt: die Seide.

Sponsor a craft

Sponsor a traditional craft at Ballenberg for as little as CHF 10 a month: your personal contribution to the future of crafts, keeping the open-air museum alive for adults and children alike. 

Sponsorship payments are used for crafts at the Swiss Open-Air Museum and make an important contribution to the substantial annual costs of materials and staff. 

Their use is not tied to one individual craft. 

Choose which craft you’d like to support. Once your sponsorship registration has been received, we’ll send you all your other documents by post. 



Contribution per craft

CHF per month

Visible as sponsor

Your details

* Required


Swiss Open-Air Museum

Museumsstrasse 100
CH-3858 Hofstetten bei Brienz

+41 33 952 10 30

Opening hours

10 April to 2 November 2025
10 am to 5 pm daily

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