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International Museum Day

May 19, 2024
08.00 - 15.00

A Sunday dedicated to our annual theme, “On the move across the world”.

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Jeden dritten Sonntag im Monat sind die Märchenerzählerinnen und -erzähler vor Ort und entführen Sie in eine sagenumwobene Welt.

Personal guided tours are set to animate the stations along the annual themed trail, with our Fairytale Sunday narrators bringing migration stories to life. The highlight will be a reading (in German) from “Kätter Briefe”, a story of emigration from Guttannen, in the Farmstead from Tentlingen FR (511).


Meeting point for all programme points: Farmstead from Tentlingen FR (511)

10.30 am: Reading from the "Kätter letters" (30 minutes)

  • With Katharina von Steiger, Ernst Rufibach and Walter Schläppi

11 am: Guided tour along the theme trail (1.5 hours)

  • With Nadja R. Buser, Helvetas “on the move across the world” and Franziska Werlen, Swiss Open-Air Museum Ballenberg

1.30 pm: Reading from the "Kätter letters" (30 minutes)

  • With Katharina von Steiger, Ernst Rufibach and Walter Schläppi

2 pm: Guided tour along the theme trail (1.5 hours)

  • With Nadja R. Buser, Helvetas “on the move across the world” and Franziska Werlen, Swiss Open-Air Museum Ballenberg

3.30 pm: Reading from the "Kätter letters" (30 minutes)

  • With Katharina von Steiger, Ernst Rufibach and Walter Schläppi

We offer guided tours in German, French, Italian, English and Spanish as required.

Click on the coloured numbers to see the details of the buildings.

Swiss Open-Air Museum

Museumsstrasse 100
CH-3858 Hofstetten bei Brienz

+41 33 952 10 30

Opening hours

10 April to 2 November 2025
10 am to 5 pm daily

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