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As the only open-air museum in Switzerland, Ballenberg provides insights into the country’s everyday rural and commercial life. Covering an area of 66 hectares, Ballenberg is the largest museum in Switzerland. It welcomes around 200,000 visitors during its season.

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Entdecken Sie im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg die Schweiz mit allen Sinnen. Hier gniessen ein paar Schafe und Ziegen das Gras vor den Wohnhäusern
aus Cugnasco TI (841).

Everyday life and rural culture

You can visit and admire over 100 rural houses and farm buildings from all over Switzerland. Magnificent farmhouses, humble workers’ quarters, alpine huts and stalls, barns, store-houses, wash-houses and drying ovens provide architectural as well as socio-historical testimony to the everyday life and rural culture of the past.

These historical buildings could not be maintained at their original location and were, therefore, carefully dismantled and transported to the museum’s 66 hectares of land to be reconstructed. Kitchens, parlours, and other quarters provide insight into the daily life of rural Switzerland.

Cultural landscape, handicrafts and farm animals

Representative houses of the different farmhouse styles of Switzerland make up, how-ever, only a part of the Museum. Gardens, fields, pastures and meadows, set up according to historical models, surround the farmsteads and houses. In the buildings, there are craftspeople who work with traditional tools, while various theme exhibits give you an insight into scenes of rural former days. Moreover, about 200 farm animals, representing the whole gamut of native domestic animals, provide lively and interesting scenes at Ballenberg!

  • Regelmässig wird das Handwerk Schmieden im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg gezeigt.
  • Im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg sind über 200 Bauernhoftiere zu Gast - auch verschiedene Rassen von Ziegen und Schafen.
  • Am Handwerksmarkt im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg präsentieren Handwerkskünstlerinnen und –künstler im Museumsteil Östliches Mittelland ihr Schaffen und ihre hochwertigen Produkte.
  • Der Kornspeicher aus Ostermundigen BE (332) im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg vor blühendem Garten.

Important employer in the region

The Swiss Open-Air Museum Ballenberg is not only an important cultural, research and tourist institution (although it does attract about 200,000 visitors from around the world every year), but with almost 200 workers at the museum during the season, from the middle of April until the end of October, the museum ranks as one of the most important employers in the area.

Swiss Open-Air Museum

Museumsstrasse 100
CH-3858 Hofstetten bei Brienz

+41 33 952 10 30

Opening hours

11 April to 27 October 2024
10 am to 5 pm daily

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